Bredon School ranked in the top 1% of Schools & Colleges in England
Bredon School has been ranked in the top 1% of Schools and Colleges in England for 'value added' for students aged 16-18 years old.
According to Government figures published in January, Bredon is ranked number 23 out of 4,470 schools and colleges and, having been ranked as number 1 last year, this result puts the school in the top 1% of schools and colleges for two years in a row.
The Department for Education figures show how much progress A level students at Bredon made between the end of key stage 4 and the end of their A level studies, compared to similar students across England.
Mr Nick Oldham, Headmaster at Bredon School said: “We often receive feedback from parents on the dramatic difference a Bredon education has had on their child, allowing them to achieve academic results they didn’t believe were possible.
“These results are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our pupils and teaching staff, and proof that every child is capable of success when placed in the right environment.”
Bredon School is a dyslexia-friendly day and boarding school for students aged 7-18 years old.