Welcome to Hardwick House School
Hardwick House School is a specialist day school which caters for autistic children and young people.
Described as ‘more than just a school’ Hardwick House is a community which provides a support network for young people, aged between 7 and 19 years old, and their families.
"Parents and carers have positive views of the school. One typical comment was, ‘Our son is developing into a kind, thoughtful, understanding young man. This is due to the dedicated and hardworking staff. We can’t thank them enough!" Ofsted
Offering a small and caring environment, our school enables pupils to access a broad and balanced curriculum designed in partnership with the individual and tailored specifically to account for their unique needs and aptitudes.
"Pupils enjoy coming to this inspirational school. Staff treat pupils fairly and with respect. Pupils like this consistency and the well-established routines. This helps the pupils to feel safe". Ofsted

Sarah Unwin

Support for autistic spectrum disorders

Weekly Social Communication lessons for all pupils

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100% of pupils made expected progress in English, 66% attained at least one grade higher, Aug 22
Don’t take our word for it...
“Pupils have very good attitudes to their learning. They listen well, readily answer teachers’ questions and take pride in their work.”
- Ofsted 2019
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